
A Collection of E-mails from Elder Denton - Blog Compiled and Maintained by Gelynn Denton

Monday, April 2, 2018

Week 29 - The Winds of Change

Week 29 - The Winds Of Change

      Transfers went well! Elder Fortuna is a good missionary for sure. Elder Fortuna is like dad, as a twenty year old. Here's why:  He's a really good student. Perfect ACT score and a 4.0. He's an introvert, but he's still got good social skills and is really friendly. He wants to be a doctor (I told him he'd probably be a pediatrician). He runs long distance, but not competitively or anything.  He's really frugal with money. He tries to be really nutritiously conscious.  Also just the way he talks remind me of dad. It's kind of freaky... Like I am companions with my twenty year old dad. Should be a good time because I like my dad.

      It feels weird to just move away from everyone you've learned to love and move in with a stranger without even a day to adjust, but it feels cool that I can do that! I've been having ministerial withdrawals though. Like multiple times during conference I thought about a recent convert or less active or investigator and just had a little freak-out like "Why didn't we invite them to conference?? They need to hear this talk!" and would be halfway to reaching the phone when I realize that they're not in my area... It's weird!! I don't really know anyone here yet since we haven't had church yet, but I think I'll like it a lot once I have somewhere to put all my missionary anxiety. You know? A missionary without people to stress over is probably something like getting empty nested as a parent, so I'm looking forward to meeting the ward and our investigators and really getting to know the area.

     Stockholm is cool. People aren't as shy here and there's a whole lot of English. Even Swedes speak English with each other pretty often. It's a little warmer too, and almost no snow! We now have more sunshine the further north you go so that feels pretty good too. Also said bye to the car and now I'm living the subway dream 👌 I like it actually. It's cool to always be around people all the time and not pay for parking. 

     How about that awesome conference though? It happened at all wacky times here because we're 8 hours ahead, but we've almost watched all of the sessions now... still missing Sunday Afternoon... So much goodness though! Super excited about the changes.

Have a great week! 
Äldste Denton

                                          Taking out the trash

                                          This transfer's gonna be... "HUGE"

                                          ​Subway life

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Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out

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