
A Collection of E-mails from Elder Denton - Blog Compiled and Maintained by Gelynn Denton

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Week 68 - The Office

Week 68 - The Office

So being in the office is really fun. It's like being the behind the scenes guy. You get to see a lot of what goes into making a mission function. We pick stuff up, drop stuff off, order travel, send out materials... Stuff like that. Plus you know, teach lessons, knock doors.

Speaking of which. 

We got let in this week and taught a guy from England! It was great and we're welcome back :) 

I love being back in Stockholm. Today for p-day we're going to see the Vasa museum. Here's a crash course on what that is from somebody who doesn't know his facts (yet):
King Gustav Vasa lived sometime between 4000 B.C. - 2019 A.D. 
He was a cool guy. 
He built a big (metal?) battle ship. 
It tipped over on it's virgin journey and sunk while still in the harbor. 
Freezing cold Baltic waters kept it beautiful preserved wherever it was (maybe near Uppsala?). 
Now it's in Stockholm and you can go in it and it's an awesome museum. 
They say it's like 93% preserved or something. I'm super psyched though. It's full of old stuff and it's huge. 

Have a great week! 
Äldste Denton 

                                          We've got the three stooges eating lunch

                                           All of us pointing to where we will be serving :) 

Week 67 - Back in Black

Week 67 - Back in Black

We got transfer calls yesterday and I'm heading back to Stockholm. This area is in the same district as my second area and borders it. I'll be serving and attending church with the Stockholm ward. We're right in the city. I'm so excited to be back in Stockholm. I'll also be living in the mission office and working as an office elder. This means that most of my time is going to be spent inside doing office work on computers and stuff. It'll be very different and probably take some adjusting. I'll be in a tripanionship which should be a party. I'm pretty excited.

This week was bittersweet because we started really picking things up right as I'm leaving. After a bit of a finding drought, we found two new people that want to learn! We also got a recent convert who hasn't been to church in months to come yesterday. He seemed to really enjoy being back and is willing to do what it takes to really become a part of the branch. 

It's been a fun time in Linköping. Sad to see it go. 

We got some more snow and now it's a clear day. Time for some sunshine :) It's been getting brighter and brighter every day and it feel sooo good. 

At the beginning of my time here, we got to raid some members freezer/fridge because they were moving. We got some real steals including about 600g of veal. We decided to finally crack that out this week and ate it over tortellini. I felt very posh. We also gave orange chicken another shot. Turned out better than last time, but still perfecting it. Last time it got hard as a rock and this time some of the chicken might have not been totally cooked 😅 We'll get there some day. 

Have a great week! 

                                          Here we have Elder Lance killing the fatted calf

                                      Deep frying chicken in preparation for orange chicken

                                         Us in our study room

Week 66 - Back to the Ol' Grind Stone

Week 66 - Back to the Ol' Grind Stone

Man it's felt good to get back to work. With the holidays winding down, we can just get out there and work now. You get kinda antsy just sitting still as a missionary. Or at least we sure have. So it's been refreshing this week to get back in the swing of things.

We have a game night every Wednesday to have a consistent activity we can invite younger people to, especially for first contact with the church. We have a member here studying at the university who is awesome. She has invited a friend to come to it for like ten weeks straight even though no one came. But this week all that changed! She had just left to come to game night when she thought she should invite her classmate she was just with. But then she thought there's no point, she probably won't come. But then she didn't let that attitude get the best of her and she did it anyways. And then her friend wanted to come! We ended up with half of the people there not being members of the church. It was awesome! 

We went hiking today for p-day and it was really fun. Something I've been grateful about with serving in Sweden is that there's always a nature reserve within reach when you just need to get out in nature.

New Years was awesome here. They know how to party with the fireworks here. They lit them off all around our apartment complex. All we had to do was open the window and we could watch people lighting aerial fireworks off like 50 feet away. It was so fun. 

Well that's the news this week. 
Have a great one! 
Äldste Denton

My mom asked for more pictures of me so enjoy my face and the forest :) I like the one where the trees change from like purple to orange. I thought that looked super cool. (The last one)

Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out

Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out September 6 & 7, 2019  Carter's been home 3 weeks