
A Collection of E-mails from Elder Denton - Blog Compiled and Maintained by Gelynn Denton

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week 11 - SNOW!

Hey everybody,

      IT DUMPED SNOW. Six to eight inches or something... We spent some time today adventuring on a little mountain close to town... Got some pictures for y'all. So pretty! It's supposed to be like the coldest winter in five years here. Can't wait :) Also getting a new district leader this week! Should be fun.
      There was apparently a massive Christmas party in town this week and there's a bunch of decorations all over town now! Also, an American invited us to a Thanksgiving dinner this week so that's sweet too! 
       I studied in Alma 5 this week. Let me tell you all, that is a pretty fiery sermon. I would not want to be in Zarahemla when Alma the younger was letting them have it. But he really emphasizes the importance of being born again and becoming new creatures. What a miracle that is really! A fresh start! Erasing regret and obtaining mercy. Daily repentance is one of the greatest joys of the gospel. 
       Not much to say this week but I'm super happy and I love you all :) There's a picture of the sun I'm going to send. That was at noon. It's super dark and it's getting darker. I love it :) We have seen the northern lights twice! No pictures of that though... sorry... Anyways, talk to you next week!

Äldste Denton

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 10 - What Real Faith Is

Hello everyone!

     I have had a super awesome week! We started two traditions to help us fight the dark and cold which is just going to get worse :) We play soccer every morning at 6:30 AM on a frosty turf pitch we found. We're always the only ones outside and it's super dark, but it's amazing how much running around and playing some soccer just really helps me make it through the day! Also we've been doing a little tea time after hours. (don't worry guys, it's not real tea...) There's some weird drinks in Sweden but they taste pretty good! Lots of them are made from different types of flowers. 
     Some breaking news in the Sweden mission! We're going to be a technology mission! Each missionary will be buying their own smart phone to keep after the mission too. Then we will have access to Facebook, Twitter... The whole shebang. Kinda weird! Thought I was getting away from that stuff, but looks like it followed me... It will be a test of our self control for sure, but I am excited to see how this will help us move the work along here in Sweden! (don't look me up on Facebook btw... pretty sure that's still not allowed...) 
      Getting geared up for Christmas also! It's beginning to look a lot like it here already! There's no Thanksgiving to hold them back in Sweden... I've heard Christmas in Sweden is something else... Super excited.
      We have a lot of new people we're working with and it's super cool to see the changes in their lives. 
      My favorite chapter from the scriptures this week was James 2. It's about faith. What real faith is and what fake faith is, and how to tell the difference. It's super good. It made me realize that as well as learning to trust God, you have to show that he can trust you. 
      Love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week!

Äldste Denton

​This one sums up the relationship between my trainer and my district leader. 
My trainer is Patrick

Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 9 - R Words

Week 9 - R Words

 Hey everybody!
      Awesome week here! I saw Äldste Bringhurst, bought a new coat, and have spent a lot of time with the members! I got to chop wood for one member. That was so fun. We are helping them to set goals for their own missionary efforts. For a picture of me and Äldste Bringhurst, check out his email this week.
      I've been inspired by three experiences this week. They each taught me something different about three different 'r' words.
     First has to do with the city I live in. It's called Sundsvall. There's old Swedish architecture here and it's so beautiful. It's right on the ocean and the people are known for being friendly. I love it. I started noticing a theme when I arrived that my companion and the other elders here helped point out to me. Lots of houses and businesses have big dragon statues outside there doors. Many apartments have them in their windows. Town center has one attached to some chords that makes it look like it's flying. Their city flag has a skinny dragon on it twisting to make an 'S'. I asked one day why dragons were a thing here. Apparently Sundsvall has been burned to the ground multiple times throughout it's history. Back when Sweden was a land full of vikings, it had its days of despair. It's been rebuilt and rebuilt. The people here look back on those days and instead of being sad or pitying their ancestors, they put dragons in their windows. Why? I think they recognize that it was more important that they got back up again to rebuild and start new every time they were set back. They celebrate their city's fiery history because it's a legacy of resilience. That's the first 'r' word. Resilience. Getting back up when your knocked down. I just have to say, I respect the crap out of Sundsvall now. It's in inspiration every time I see one of those dragons now. 
      The second started with a man named Eino. He's in our branch. He's very old and so my companion and I offered to help him rake his leaves. We got done with that around lunch time and went into his house where he was planning to feed us. We finished eating a humble meal and got to the time to share our message. I shared a verse in Mosiah 14 about the Savior. It started a discussion about his own conversion. He lived in that same house when missionaries knocked on his doors many years ago. We each talked about what the Savior meant to us. When he shared, I could sense such a reverence he had for the Savior shining in his eyes. He had spent a good portion of his life following faithfully in the path of discipleship. There was a program for his wife's funeral on a table nearby in his very quiet house. Even in his waning years and with plenty of pains to complain about, when he spoke about the Savior, there was nothing but reverence and gratitude. He taught me that day what reverence is. That's the second 'r' word I learned about his week. 
       The third came from my studies. If you ever want a fun study session, look up Israel, Kingdoms of in the Bible Dictionary, read the entry, and then read every scripture reference and that end of the entry. If you want, count how many times it mentions "the countries of the north". There are some very amazing prophecies in those scriptures still waiting to be fulfilled, but some that as we speak are being fulfilled. I have heard so many times that Thomas S. Monson prophesying of a second harvest of souls in Sweden in a re-dedicatory prayer for the land of Sweden. Although not all of these prophecies are happening right now, I have started to recognize for myself the signs of many of them begging and we are being told right now in Sweden to believe in and perform miracles. I have seen some already in the hearts of those we teach, and in the Lord guiding us to those we need to teach or in guiding them to us. Through all of this, I have become convinced of the reality of God and His power, and especially the Savior's power to change. It is real. It's working in me. It's working in those we work with. Nothing has convinced me more of the reality of God's power than studying the Book of Mormon and repenting. If you are struggling with your faith, TRY IT. Read the Book of Mormon every day. Turn your heart to God. Change what needs to be changed and learn to love your Savior and the Sacrament. I promise that you will become convinced of the reality of Jesus Christ's power. That was my last 'r' word this week. Reality. 

Love you all and have a great week!
Äldste Denton

                                        Äldste Bringhurst's family lives in our Stake here in
                                           Pocatello and he is currently Carter's Zone leader

Go Carter!!!

                                             This is a dance move from "Singing in the Rain"
                                                             A Carter movie favorite

Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out

Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out September 6 & 7, 2019  Carter's been home 3 weeks