
A Collection of E-mails from Elder Denton - Blog Compiled and Maintained by Gelynn Denton

Monday, November 19, 2018

Week 59 - Zone Conference

Week 59 - Zone Conference

Well, we went to teach a guy we had set a time with and we expected maybe a door step lesson, or maybe we'd come in but he may have forgotten... We showed up and he had the table set for us with cookies and some good ol' Swedish saft. His wife was even there to listen and he had great questions and was willing to keep commitments. So that was awesome. Also, we've been in the twenties for sacrament attendance for the last two weeks in a row. That is really pretty great for Linköping! Things are just chugging along.

Other than that, we had zone conference and that was fun. I realized I'm the only one in my MTC group in my zone. Considering there's about 20 of us and only five zones, I was pretty surprised! First time it's been like that for me. Looks like I'm representing. 

I'll almost definitely be spending Christmas here in Linköping. Should be a fun time. 

Well that's the update from me. 
Have a good one! 
Äldste Denton 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Week 58 - Great Week

Week 58 - Great Week

Although we did not see the sun one time last week (Monday through Sunday) the sun has started to come up on missionary work here. After a two week drought of not teaching a single lesson, we taught my second, third, and fourth lessons in Linköping this last week. We also gave out two Book of Mormons.

One funny story. We were knocking doors in our favorite place by this lake. With the help of this app that gives you statistics about an area like average income, political orientation, average mortgage, and the works (privacy laws are very different here, I promise it's legal 😁), we found that this area was a bunch of really rich people that voted conservatively. That sounded like our jam so we've going there a couple weeks now. While knocking around on Saturday we ran into a really nice couple watching their kids play out on the street. They asked us what we were up to and we explained that we missionaries. He was nice and pretty interested. We asked about what he did and stuff and he said he played professional hockey for Linköping. He's a forward. We thought that was neat. Then we mention it to a guy we're teaching the next day and he reacts like we just told him 'yeah we met this guy the other day tracting... I think his name was LeBron James? He's plays basketball or something...' To be fair, this guy was a die hard hockey fan, but either way, I told a famous person to check out mormon.org and he said he would so... Maybe we'll go watch him play sometime. Our guy that got excited about it said if we converted him, he'd be baptized right away. 😂

The blessings come after the trial of your faith. 

Have a great week! 
Äldste Denton 

         We visited a castle today for pday. Looks like it's straight out of frozen.



                                  Former Kings

Week 57 - Darkness, Waffles, and Lakeside Town

Week 57 - Darkness, Waffles, and Lakeside town

We had a sunny day and I was able to watch the sunset while riding a bus. The sun disappeared over the horizon at exactly 3:58 PM. I know, I talk about the sun a lot. But I promise it's not just me. After eating waffles with some of the members of our branch after church, while cleaning up, one of the Swedish members looked out the window to see the dark streets around 4:30 PM and said,
"I feel like I forget every year how dark it gets. Like, it surprises me every year."

It's got a special kind of wonder when it's so dark. Eventually you get to the point that sunrise and sunset just kind of turn into one, unbroken thing. It's sort of cozy. I don't know, it's hard to explain. You wouldn't think it makes such a big difference, but it affects everything. 

I'm starting to like being in a little branch. It's like a family. I'll get to know everyone before I go. Having said that, hopefully it's a little bigger by the time I leave :) We've got plans to start focusing the university students. They are generally down to discuss things. Also going to continue trying with the young families.

Pretty much the news this week :) 
Love you all, 
Äldste Denton 

 We knocked doors out at a beautiful lake side town this week and snapped a few pics. It was beautiful.

Also, since there's no Thanksgiving here to hold us back, we have started putting up Christmas decorations. We have room in our apartment for a Christmas tree... Now we just need to find one... 

Week 56 - Linköping

Week 56 - Linköping

We had daylight savings this week. Now you can see the stars by like 5:30PM. Winter is back baby. We also got a tiny bit of snow yesterday. Just enough that you could see it falling if you looked closely.

Transfers were good. Rode a train over to Linköping Wednesday night. Now I'm here. I spoke in church yesterday. There were about 15 of us in sacrament meeting.

Just some facts my companion has told me about Linköping (we don't have Google so they may or may not be totally right): it's the fifth biggest city in Sweden at about 150,00. There's one branch here of about 18 active members. There's a big international university here. There's a very large university hospital that employs lots of people.

It snowed last night, just enough to see it in the street lights. We decided to sleep outside on our balcony. We brought out two mattresses, bundled up, and slept better than we have in a long time. Not even my nose got cold. We might move our bunk bed out there and do it every night honestly.

We met a nice guy that used to meet with missionaries and we taught him. He said we could come back so that's good. 

That's about it here! 

Have a great week,
Äldste Denton 

                                   Look at all those bike racks... 

                    With Elder Bjornn's coat on, I definitely won't get snow in my face. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Facebook Posts

Saying good-bye to Aldste Hambrick at the Train Station

Aldste Hambrick missing his companion

"Isn’t it remarkable how such small efforts can have eternal consequences? This truth is at the heart of the Church’s ministering efforts. Heavenly Father can take our simple, daily efforts and turn them into something miraculous." - Gary E. Stevenson

Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out

Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out September 6 & 7, 2019  Carter's been home 3 weeks