
A Collection of E-mails from Elder Denton - Blog Compiled and Maintained by Gelynn Denton

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Week 77 - Taco Salad

Week 77 - Taco Salad

Only pictures. No Letter today - Sorry.
But I got a phone call...

Week 76 - Thank you

Week 76 - Thank you

Thank you to everyone that sent me a birthday wish. It meant a ton to me :)

Here are some pictures! It was a great week. We moved Leo's baptism to the 27th of April so he could be more prepared. His goal is to read the whole Book of Mormon before he is baptized. What an awesome guy. 

I was also super excited to get to talk to my brother Jarom, his wife, and their five day old baby girl today. What an awesome experience :) 

Love you all have a great week! 

Äldste Denton 

Week 75 - Pennies from Heaven

Week 75 - Pennies from Heaven

I will never get over the sun in Sweden. I talk about it all the time, I know. I've just gained a huge appreciation for it since experiencing two winters in the great, white north. It's coming out now about 11 hours a day. We have dailight savings on the 31st of March here and by then we will have gained two hours of sunlight and will have 13 hours of sunlight a day. By the time midsummer gets here, we'll be basking in 19 hours of sunlight a day here in Stockholm with even more up north. It feels soo good, even with the late snow storms we've been getting.

The sun has also come up on missionary work in our area and we have a baptism on the 23rd of this month! Remember that guy that called and wanted to be baptized? He actually lives in our area and we've been teaching him all week. He's incredible. Totally willing to commit, super sharp, learns fast, outgoing and friendly... It's been a real treat to teach him. His name is Leo and he's eighteen. 

It's been awesome to see how even with our limited time to proselyte in the office, the Lord provides as we put forth our best effort and trust in him. We've been having a good amount of success recently and I know it's thanks to the efforts of lots of people serving now in lots of areas as well people who have served here before us. 

We ate dinner with the senior couple that takes care of housing in the mission and a lady in our ward named Excellent as well as her daugter. It was super inspiring to hear her bare her testimony and tell of all the things she's been through. As Elder Clouse put it, "If anybody shouldn't belive in God, it's her after everything she's been through." And yet she's got such strong faith. Such an inspiring example.

Well, I'm happy, I love life, and I'm going to eat tacos for lunch. So I'd say everything is fine :)
Have a great week!
Äldste Denton 

Here's something I ate this week. Pretty yummy. I also cut my hair and took a mirror selfie.... You can't see my tag... Haha sorry that's all I've got this week, I've been slacking on the pictures. I'll get better :) 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Week 74 - Weekly

Week 74 - Weekly

So this was a crazy week. Our friend David came to church! It was such an awesome time. He participated a ton in Sunday School and it was awesome :) We've also been getting used to having six elders in our apartment. It's been really fun. Like for instance, we went out and played soccer together for morning exercise on Saturday.

The two elders that doubled in got a call the other day that started like this: 
"Is this the number I call to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?"
"Uhhh, yes."

Haha turns out there is an eighteen year old guy that wants to be baptized after talking with a relative in Finland! It was super exciting news for everyone to hear :) He came to church, jumped right in with the young single adults, and has a baptismal date for the 23rd of March.

Also shout out to my brother Jarom and his wife Hailey who's baby daughter is due in a week. Love you both and so proud. 

That's been my week :) Hope you all have a good one!

Äldste Denton

We really do like each other I promise :)

Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out

Sweden, Stockholm - Return Missionary Reunion Camp Out September 6 & 7, 2019  Carter's been home 3 weeks