
A Collection of E-mails from Elder Denton - Blog Compiled and Maintained by Gelynn Denton

Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 32 - Hey Everybody

Week 32 - Hey Everybody,

What a crazy week! Phones, Facebook, and fabulous devotionals. Elder Renlund is a very funny man. His dad is Finnish and mom is Swedish. And you can tell. He's got the dry sarcasm of a finn with the witty warmth of a swede. He served as a missionary in Gubbängen in the seventies and baptized the man that is now our ward mission leader here. I got to see a really sweet moment between them as they embraced. Isn't missionary work amazing? After all these years they still mean so much to each other.

I heard a lot of wonderful things from them. Most of it I had heard before. Had some really good insights. But the thing that impressed me was the balance Elder Renlund found in taking his calling seriously while taking himself completing casually. He was completely approachable. His wife said he didn't change when he was called to be an apostle. He's the same good man she's always known. Now everyone else is just getting to know him. He explained and exemplified that no matter what callings you have in life, the reward for faithfully fulfilling them is the exact same.

Spiritual tip for the week: if you want to develop your faith or become more converted to the Lord, find opportunities to share your testimony with those you love or those you might not know so well. Those in the church and those out of it. Sharing your testimony changes your heart. It depends your faith. You don't have to have a strong testimony to share what you do have. Even a mustard seed of faith is enough to move the mountains of doubt. I promise you will feel closer to the Savior as you do that.

Love you all! 
Äldste Denton

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