
A Collection of E-mails from Elder Denton - Blog Compiled and Maintained by Gelynn Denton

Monday, March 5, 2018

Six Months - Week 25

Six Months - Week 25


      So I officially celebrated six months as a missionary this week! Feels weird to have a quarter done! Especially since I'm still in my first area! Also check out this cool miracle that happened! 

        After a long morning yesterday of trying to find a ride for John and finally finding someone who would have to drive thirty minutes out of their way to pick him up, I started thinking about the branch and how the weight of responsibility for the branch really rests of just a few faithful families. They already even drive half of the branch to church and now we are asking them to drive our investigators who for the most part have very modest resources. I could imagine how the members might be feeling a little overwhelmed. So one of the things I asked for that morning as I opened my fast was that we would find a family this week, that would all be baptized, become stalwart in the gospel, and be an asset spiritually and temporally to the branch. The kind of family that will raise burdens off the shoulders of their fellow saints, and not add more to their already overwhelming task list. I also prayed for the other Elders in Sundsvall. I had seen their schedule for the next week and the fact that their one investigator was unable to meet was pretty evident. They would be doing a whole lot of contacting and whole lot of tracting. I prayed that they would have real progress and success in their area. So that night, we are getting close to the time to break our fast. We're about to drive home. It's about 7:00. As we get in the car, the other elders call us just to tell us that they had found a family of five from Iraq, all above the age of eight, who were all very positive and very interested. They invited them in, fed them, and even got rid of their tea after a brief discussion about the word of wisdom. They were able to teach the entire restoration and were invited to come back. The family is also fluent in Swedish, English, and Arabic, which apart from being rare is exactly what we need for some of our Arabic speaking members who don't understand anything in church. 
As we made the drive home, I thought about what I had fasted for. God had answered every detail of my prayers! Including the ones in behalf of the other Elders and their area. I was so impressed by this experience. Then I thought about my prayers that this family to be found would become an asset to the branch both temporally and spiritually. Although usually filled with faith and devotion, it's pretty uncommon for refugee converts to have a car or be financially sound. Still, I had a feeling in my heart that this family had a car and that they would be financially able to lift the branch temporally. When we got home, Elder Wolff confirmed my suspicion. They did have a car, and they all had smart phones and appeared very financially stable, even wealthy. 
I believe in the power of fasting and paying a generous fast offering. This was a super sweet experience reminding me that God loves us and answers our prayers. 

Have a great week!
Äldste Denton

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